
Raising Money

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on March 14, 2007 at 10:20:34 am



When a VC says "Maybe," s/he means "No". - Ben Casnocha


A VC will never sign an NDA, and if you ask them to, they'll suspect you're naive. - Ben Casnocha


Never raise outside money for your business unless you absolutely have to. - Ben Casnocha


The unwritten vacation time for VCs is August -- don't lose financing momentum heading into August. Instead, re-start September 1. - John Kembel


Entrepreneurs need to understand that all investors (debt and equity) want their money back at some point. If your financing plan does not explain how and when that will happen, you don't really have a financing plan (you have a wish for a grant). - S Milford


Nobody spends someone else’s money as wisely as he spends his own. - Milton Friedman


Money often costs too much. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Stay away from brokers. Run away from the ones that want money up front. - Scott Hampton


Profit is a concept, cash is a fact! - Andrew Nicol


When someone says he raised money in 3 weeks, do not expect it will work for you as well. - John Kessy

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