


The best way to find good ideas is to let people tell you what the good ideas are. - Niel Robertson


After a new idea is presented in a group, the first comment should be praise. - Ben Casnocha


The biggest impediment to creativity is self-censorship for coherence or perceived intelligence by others. - Ben Casnocha


Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity... - Charles Mingus


"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe" - Anatole France


Yesbutters don't just kill ideas.


They kill companies, even entire industries.

The yesbutters have all the answers.

Yesbut we're different. Yesbut we can't afford it.

Yesbut our business doesn't need it.

Yesbut we couldn't sell it to our workforce.

Yesbut we can't explain it to our shareholders.

Yesbut let's wait and see.


All the answers. All the wrong answers.


Whynotters move Companies


The next time you're in a meeting, look around

and identify the yesbutters, the notnowers and

the whynotters. God bless the whynotters.

They dare to dream. And to act. By acting,

they achieve what others see as unachievable.


Why not, indeed?


Before the yesbutters yesbut you right out of business.













Business Forum